termitesTermites are one of the most bothersome, costly, and damaging pests that invade a home. They destroy your home's foundation and damage the structural integrity of your home. Your home is a large financial investment. Protect it by investigating for termites. At St. Louis Pest Brothers, we understand your need to protect your home and family. We are an experienced pest control company with handling termite infestations. We provide expert pest control services that will remove the termites damaging your home's foundation. We use chemicals and materials that are environmentally safe.
Dry wood termites invade a home by eating at wood and they are commonly found in warm coastal regions. Regions of the USA with dry wood termites are California, Texas, Louisiana, Florida, and Georgia. The signs of termite infestation include holes in woodwork, sagging floors, termite droppings, and hollow parts in your home's foundation. Subterranean termites can be found anywhere in the USA both inside your home and also building underground nests and in compost piles. These are serious signs of termite infestation. They should be investigated to immediately address the termite infestation problem. St. Louis Pest Brothers offers quick reliable service that is guaranteed to solve your termite infestation problem. Our certified and professional termite exterminators will efficiently review your home. They will provide a safe extermination plan. If you are dissatisfied, without a question, a full refund is provided to you. Our goal is to provide excellent service to our customers and to help them to feel safe in their homes. |
314-328-7955 |